Winterizing Your Lawn

Your Lawn

Even if your lawn looks great after the summer months you still need to take care of it so it is protected over the winter. If the summer has been rainy it could have leached the nutrients right out of the soil. This means you have to put some back in so the roots can access it during the winter.


You don’t want to wait until winter sets in to fertilise. You need to make sure you do this during the autumn months to give the nutrients time to settle into the soil. If you are looking for something to set as a time frame to begin fertilising for the winter Easter is a good choice.

If you can provide your lawn with the nutrient it needs in the winter it well be less likely to wear as quickly and will maintain colour better. Also a lawn that is lacking in nutrients is more prone to weeds and grasses invading. Make sure when applying fertiliser to deeply water the root base of the grass.

What You Should Use

When preparing your lawn for the winter you want to make sure you use a granular slow-release lawn food that is top quality like Sir Walter Lawn Fertiliser. It’s an excellent all-around lawn fertilizer. Use the full recommend rate. Sir Walter Lawn Food can treat an average size lawn several times during the autumn. A bucket with 10g of fertiliser can treat an area approximately 400/500 m2. You will want to repeat the initial treatment if the weather stays above 13c consistently after the first autumn treatment.

To get more advice call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

For more great lawn care tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.

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