Turf Tips: Winter is here – winter lawn care

It’s time for some winter lawn care. With the mercury really starting to dip in South East Queensland we can finally say winter is here! This week’s turf tips repeat a few winter lawn tips we’ve already shared to keep your lawn in the best shape right through winter.

Winter lawn care: Get those mower blades up

Now that winter is here you will notice the days are much shorter, this means your lawn is getting less sun. The most important winter lawn tip is to raise those mower blades to give your lawn more opportunity to soak up those precious rays of sunlight.

This is especially important for fine leaf varieties as their fine leaf already limits the amount of photosynthesis the grass can achieve in limited sunlight. By raising the blades on the mower your lawn will turn more sunlight into energy and stay healthy through the coldest months.


Winter lawn care: Watch out for weeds

We previously went into great detail about how important it is to watch out for weeds, and how to go about winter weed removal. With the cooler months your lawn slows down its growth, this allows weeds to start competing for space and nutrients.

For the best winter lawn you need to keep on top of the weeds as they pop up and remove or kill them to keep your lawn weed-free.

Winter lawn care: Traffic matters

That slower growth thanks to winter dormancy also creates problems for a high traffic winter lawn. Slower growth means the lawn isn’t able to repair itself as quickly as it does in warmer weather.

If you have pets or children playing on your lawn this might mean you need to fence of areas that are heavily worn to allow them to repair without extra wear.

To get some more advice on winter lawn care or to find out how to install a new lawn in winter call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

For more great turf, tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.


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