Dealing with Army Worms or Lawn Grubs

You work hard to keep your lawn in good condition so that it looks great and is healthy. And a healthy lawn is a good thing except when it comes to army worms and sod web worms. It’s their favourite type of lawn and they attack yards all over Australia. These worms can cause serious damage to your lawn so you need to be aware of the signs of infestation and what to do if it happens.

Lawn Grubs

These eating machines are the larvae which come from the eggs laid by moths. The term lawn grub refers to a group of insects that include Cutworms, Army Worms and Sod Web Worms. Whatever the name of the grub the effect is the same – damage to your lawn.

These grubs appear 5 – 7 days after the moth lays the eggs and can be brownish green, black, green, or even striped. The damage begins once they hatch and need to eat their way to being an adult moth. You may not see them during the day as they eat at night.

What to Look For

Since they do eat at night they are seldom seen during the day but a sure sign that there may be a problem is the wasp like insects and moths flying around during the day. Keep in mind, lawn grubs and Army Worms are seasonal and the prime time for them is the summer and fall season. If your grass has brown spots, areas that look like they have been recently mowed, or straw like patches you could have infestation of lawn grubs. Another indication that there is a problem can be the leaves on grass runners start to disappear. The dirt around your grass will be loose and you pull up the grass easily with a lawn grub problem.

Clearing Out the infestation

Lawn grubs, along with harmful insects such as army worms, earwigs, beetles, slaters and mole crickets, are not going to go away by themselves. You are going to need a broad spectrum insecticide to deal with the problem. Some good choices are Lawn Lovers Grub Guard and Sir Walter Pest Control. Sir Walter will clear up an existing problem while the Grub Guard can actually be used to prevent against lawn grubs. Lawn Grub also is less toxic to birds and mammals than some of the other products as well. If applied to foliage when the moths first start to appear, it can prevent damage to leaves.

Be Proactive in Your Lawn Care

To keep your lawn looking good and staying healthy you need to be vigilant. Getting rid of lawn grubs once does not mean they will never return again. To prepare your lawn for winter you can fertilise it with Lawn Solutions Premium Lawn Fertiliser. This helps bring about new leaf growth so your lawn springs back to life in the spring.

To get more advice call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

For more great lawn care tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.


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