Do I Have Army Worms?
Discovering the presence of army worms can be bad news for your lawn. Army worms can easily breach a variety of yards in any number of places. These little guys tend to be the start of a lawn quality decline as they tend to be pretty destructive. With regards to army worms, much depends on where geographically you reside, as well as the time of year for their attack.
What you should begin to watch out for are usually amounts of adult moths, often hanging around outdoor light sources near your home, or perhaps taking off when you walk across the grass. When you see this it generally means that what they are doing is spreading their eggs. The actual worms themselves are usually coloured green, brown green or dark-coloured to the naked eye, and sometimes are marked with a stripe or perhaps triangular spots. They’re going to hatch after around 5-7 nights, and that’s the place that the major destruction is going to be done.
Army worms will harm your lawn when eating it, and interestingly enough they don’t just destroy every lawn in an area, they tend to go for the healthier grass, such as your Sir Walter lawn. Therefore, you should always keep an eye out for them. As soon as army worms have used up their food supply, they will rise up and move on in a large group, just like a military on the march.
Army Worms Solution
If you have a patch of grass affected, or even sectors of your backyard that appear to be slightly leaner or perhaps shorter that almost look like they have been mown, you could have army worms. One method to search for the invading army worms is to bend down on your hands and knees where the destroyed spot joins your standard healthy grass and pry the turf apart, since this could well be the army worms’ front-line of attack. If you do have army worms, what you will notice is possibly a few little green droppings, which are the waste product the worms create. What you need to do right away is to treat the problem with a quick performing pesticide, such as the Sir Walter pest management products. Remember to read the instructions to begin with. After application you should see your lawn begin to recover with time.
To get more advice call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
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