With recent storms lashing out around South East Queensland we are finally getting some much-needed rain, but is it enough? A common question we get asked is if you still need to water your lawn after rain. The answer is yes, sometimes you need to.
Lawns need deep watering to encourage healthy root growth. Many people overestimate how much water their lawn gets. If you only get a few millimetres of rain you will be well short of the 20-30mm your lawn needs. To really know if your lawn still needs more water you need to take out the guesswork with some easy solutions.
Simple Solutions

The simplest way to know how much rain your lawn has got from a storm is to use a rain gauge. This will allow you to regularly measure rainfall and make simple calculations if you need to still water.
It is important to regularly check measurements and empty your rain gauge to get accurate readings of recent rainfall. Storm season has arrived so depending on your local conditions you need to factor in if your lawn needs more.
High End Solutions

The high tech solution to know if you got enough water during the storm is installing an electronic soil moisture meter with your irrigation system.
This tests the current moisture levels in your soil and can prevent your irrigation cycle from starting if there is enough moisture. This saves you water, money and time in a very precise manner.
After Rain Lawncare

An extra important turf tip for storm season is to not mow while it is still wet.
Wet, freshly cut grass blades are more susceptible to disease-carrying organisms. Where possible it is always best to let your lawn dry out after rain before you mow.
To get more storm advice call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also pop in and order in person at our sales office at 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
For more great lawn care tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.