Sir Walter Buffalo vs Sir Grange

Sir Walter Buffalo vs Sir Grange

Top Performers: Sir Grange vs Sir Walter DNA Certified

Sir Grange Zoysia vs Sir Walter buffalo is a question that has faced homeowners for a long time. Whether you are considering a Sir Grange lawn or the ever-popular Sir Walter DNA Certified, both warm season grass varieties have their strengths and weaknesses. So we are going to break it down for those struggling to decide which to buy.

Sir Walter DNA Certified Buffalo Benefits

Tough Aussie conditions need a tough Aussie grass, and there is no tougher than the Jimboomba Turf Group recommended Sir Walter DNA Certified buffalo. It is known as the go anywhere, grown anywhere grass. Sir Walter DNA certificated has succeeded all over Australia, and thrives in our local South East Queensland environment. Unlike other buffalo varieties it’s a soft leaf, low allergenic lawn, making it perfect for families and pets.

The benefit of Sir Walter DNA Certified is its ability to perform in tough conditions. A proven performer in the shade, Sir Walter DNA Certified needs as little as 3 hours of direct sunlight. Its broad leaf allows it to create more energy in less light which makes it so shade tolerant. It is also proven to be drought tolerant, chokes out weeds and is less prone to disease and fungus as other varieties.

The success of Sir Walter DNA Certified has been so great that many other grasses have tried to jump on the bandwagon. Be sure to look for the Sir Walter DNA Certified logo to ensure you are getting the genuine product.

STRENGTHS: Excels in the shade, great for families, very low maintenance, high drought resistance, proven performer.

WEAKNESSES: Broad leaf isn’t everyone’s taste of feel and appearance. It also has a medium fertiliser requirement.

Sir Grange Benefits

Lawn Solutions Australia, who recommended the best known turf brand, Sir Walter DNA Certified, also brings you what is possibly the best turf variety to ever make it to Australia. Sir Grange is a premium zoysia grass, with characteristics which more than justify its premium price. With high shade tolerance, low water usage, low fertiliser requirements and most importantly less mowing, Sir Grange zoysia is a new standard for turf grass in Australia.

Sir Grange zoysia grass is renowned for being a premium turf variety. Unlike other broad leaf grass varieties like Sir Walter DNA Certified, Sir Grange has a beautiful soft, fine leaf. This makes Sir Grange the king of zoysia grass varieties.

Sir Grange zoysia grass has a beautiful dark green colour and soft leaf texture. This high quality turf thrives with little as 3 hours of direct sunlight per day. The fine bladed premium zoysia turf variety is low maintenance and requires 50% less mowing, less water and fertiliser than most lawns.

STRENGTHS: high shade tolerance, low water usage, low fertiliser requirements and very low maintenance with less mowing. It also has minimal fertilising requirements.

WEAKNESSES: Slightly higher in price

A quick turf choice comparison

There is so much to love about both the Sir Grange variety and a Sir Walter lawn that the choice will often come down to the location and the grass variety that best suits your lifestyle.

Reduced direct sun

Need a new turf that is shade tolerant? Does your lawn get lots of shade especially during winter? Lawn Solutions Australia reports that both Sir Walter DNA Certified and Sir Grange Zoysia offer up to 75% shade tolerance. While both turf varieties are shade resistant, they also thrive in full sun.

High drought tolerance

Visually appealing Sir Grange turf is the perfect lawn for so many reasons, and it carries a medium Lawn Solutions Australia drought resistance rating. By comparison, Sir Walter DNA Certified was bred for the Australian climate and carries a high Lawn Solutions Australia drought resistance rating. While Sir Grange turf may lose out against the more drought tolerant Sir Walter, your choice will again depend on your lawn’s location.

Wear and tear

Wear tolerance in Sir Grange vs Sir Walter DNA Certified lawns is so comparable that it’s hard to choose one over the other. For those looking for extremely high wear tolerance, full sun and very high drought resistance, then TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda would be a better choice. However you would need to be prepared for far more mowing than Sir Grange or Sir Walter DNA Certified.

Mowing requirements

Lawn Solutions Australia gives Sir Grange the medal for very low maintenance, identifying it as a grass type that requires minimal mowing. However, Sir Walter DNA Certified is also a low maintenance lawn. It just needs more time with the lawn mower to maintain its neat appearance.

Sir Grange vs Sir Walter DNA Certified verdict

When deciding between Sir Walter DNA Certified and Sir Grange turf, many customers react only to price. While Sir Walter is cheaper, price shouldn’t be the only deciding factor when it comes to picking a new lawn.

Sir Walter DNA Certified buffalo vs Sir Grange zoysia lawn especially isn’t a fair fight in all situations and it pays to compare their key characteristics with your lawn’s specific needs.

We can’t tell you which to choose when deciding between Sir Grange zoysia vs Sir Walter DNA Certified. What we can tell you is to look deeper than the price. Getting the right fit for purpose lawn for your home is far more important than any slight savings on the square meter price of your new lawn.

To get some more advice on Sir Walter DNA Certified and Sir Grange zoysia, call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. Our office hours are from Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

For more great turf tips, keep an eye out on our website and all our social media pages.


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