This weeks article is a product spotlight on the amazing Sir Grange Zoysia.
What is Sir Grange Zoysia?
Sir Grange Zoysia is the cream of the crop of turf varieties. It is #1 selling zoysia grass in the USA, has been hand-selected from over 10,000 different cultivars, has a beautiful dark green leaf, is shade tolerant and is the perfect luxury lawn.
A premium luxury fine leafed variety, Sir Grange Zoysia has high shade tolerance, low maintenance, requires low water and has low nutrient requirements.
Fine leaf and shade tolerant
Sir Walter DNA certified is now not your only option for shade. Different to Sir Walter DNA certified, Sir Grange Zoysia is a fine leafed variety that is dark green in colour. Sir Grange Zoysia is a grass variety that is a true “barefoot lawn grass”.
Sir Grange Zoysia is perfect for shade and requires as little as 2-3 hours of direct sunlight daily. With smaller backyards and taller houses, it is the perfect variety for such spaces.
Perfect for full, partial and heavy shade it truly is a high-performance grass.
Find out more: A new possibility for a shaded lawn
Premium and money-saving
Sir Grange has a soft fine leaf compared to other varieties. With its characteristics that justify its premium price. Sir Grange Zoysia requires 50% less mowing, less water and 75% less fertiliser. You will save money on water bills, less fertilising will reduce your fertilising costs and less maintenance time will save you time.

To get more advice on Sir Grange call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
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