Whether you want an entirely organic lawn or just want to reduce the chemical input to your lawn, there are lots of great organic lawn care tips. This week we look at a few ways you can turn your lawn organic.
Getting an organic lawn
One of the first steps to an organic lawn is choosing a grass variety that requires less inputs. The wrong variety not suited to your local environment will use more inputs and there are also premium varieties bred to have lower inputs making them perfect for an organic lawn.
Varieties like TifTuf Bermuda and Sir Grange Zoysia require a lot less fertilisers for healthy growth reducing inputs required for health. And varieties like Sir Walter DNA Certified and Sir Grange choke out weeds reducing the amount of inputs required to keep your lawn weed free.
Organic lawn fertiliser
Fertilisers are vital to a healthy lawn, by keeping your lawn well fed through the year. It will also help your lawn better deal with stress from wear, extreme weather and will out compete weeds.
There are several organic options for fertilising your lawn, and they come in both granular and liquid forms.
Granular organic lawn fertilisers include Blood & bone, chicken manure as well as fish meal. The advantage of these granular organic fertilisers is they can be evenly spread across the lawn, and are slower in uptake. These types of organic fertilisers need to break down to feed your lawn, giving a slow and consistent supply of nutrients.
Liquid organic lawn fertilsers include seaweed or kelp like Seasol and fish solutions like Charlie Carp. These fertilisers are much quicker on uptake and are great for an immediate boost. Seaweed is made of several minerals that are great for lawns, including iodine which aids in the defence against turf disease. Seaweed is also known to improve your soil condition allowing organic material to break down more efficiently. Fish emulsions include nutrients and vitamins that promote root growth and improve soil quality.
Organic weed control
While there are some organic concoctions their success is a mixed bag. While some people will swear by them, other say they don’t work at all.
The simplest and best organic weed control is using a bit of elbow grease and manually pulling weeds. Pulling weeds roots and all is a great way to keep your lawn weed free, and by combining this with an organic fertiliser schedule your lawn will be healthier and better able to out compete weeds.
To get some more advice on organic lawn care or to order a new lawn call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
For more great turf, tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.