While your lawn will love the burst of rain, water is not the only nutrient your lawn needs. When a lawn is properly fertilised, it can help deal with the stress of changing temperatures and avoid other problem situations that can cause your lawn.
Use water after spreading
You want your lawn is looking its best majority of the time. One of the best ways to make sure that your lawn is in the best shape is to fertilise it regularly. If you simply just scatter the correct amount of fertiliser on for lawn it’s just going to sit there unless you do something to help it get into the ground.
There are two things you can do. You can water the area where you spread the fertiliser by hand or with a sprinkler, or you can wait until there’s going to be a decent amount of rain. Water helps dissolve the fertiliser, and allows it to delve deep into the soil. Then the microorganisms in the soil breakdown the fertiliser even further so the plants can use it. The grass roots soak up all the nutrients and spread it throughout the plant giving it that much needed feed it needs.
The Suns Job
Grass is a living plant, and like most plants, it uses the process of photosynthesis to produce the food it needs for daily function. Fertilising regularly will keep your lawn at its best health. Next the leaf has to convert the fertiliser into energy. This is where the sun comes into play. Sunshine itself is a form of energy. It breaks down nutrients and helps the plant turn it into carbohydrates. This then spreads throughout the plant, and it is used as food.
Fertilising not only helps your lawn grow, but is a way of providing nutrients for your lawn over the long haul. When plants can store nutrients, then they can deal with things like drought much better than if they are struggling to pull the nutrients from the soil.
When is the Best Time to Fertilise?
There are several times of year that you really should fertilise your lawn. These are at the beginning of spring and midway through summer. It is important to ‘water in’ your fertiliser to ensure it does not burn the leaf. It also helps the nutrients in the fertiliser pass down to the soil for the grass to use them. Normally you would need to get your hose or sprinkler out after you apply fertiliser and water it in well.
Keep an eye on the BOM rainfall radar and get the fertiliser applied just before the next heavy shower. If you only get a few millimetres of rain you will be well short of the 20-30mm your lawn needs. We recommend the Lawn Solutions premium fertiliser which you can pick up from our sales office or order from our online store. Or you can pop into your local Bunnings and ask what fertiliser they would recommend.
To get some more advice on lawn care call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
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