Instantly Green Up Your Lawn

Turf Tips: Instantly green up your lawn: ColourGuard Plus

With Christmas almost here and the entire family coming round for a big day of celebrating, you want your lawn looking its best. You may not realise it but we have a solution that will instantly green your lawn, it’s called ColourGuard Plus.

Your lawn might have missed out on all the rain and might be a bit dry and yellow. It may just be stressed and hasn’t bounced back to be as green as you would like yet. Either way, ColourGuard is the perfect way to instantly green your lawn, and it’s environmentally friendly and 100% organic!

What is ColourGuard Plus?

ColourGuard Plus

ColourGuard Plus is a natural turfgrass colourant that is easy to apply and means your lawn will always look great, no matter what mother nature throws at it. It’s so fast and easy to apply, your lawn will be party-ready in no time.

ColourGuard strengthens and protects grass, instantly restoring colour by introducing micron-sized pigment particles into the grass blades. Staying green for up to 3 months per application it won’t wash off, run or stain.

Instantly green lawn for selling your house.

ColourGuard Plus

We all know the importance of that wow factor when selling your house, and depending on the time of year your dull, off-colour lawn might be holding your sale value back. Research has shown that a great looking lawn can increase a house value by 8% over an average-looking lawn.

To instantly green your lawn and increase your house value you can use ColourGuard to give your lawn a helping hand. This will help your lawn to look its best and make that perfect first impression.

You can buy ColourGuard Plus in a 2-litre Hose-On pack or a 100ml Concentrate from our Online Shop or direct from our Sales and Administration Centre located at 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge.

To get some more advice on ColourGuard Plus call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also pop in and order in person at our sales office at 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.

For more great lawn care tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.

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