Choosing the Right Lawn
There are many reasons to want to put in a new lawn. You could have a lawn now that is nothing but rocks and is ugly. You may want to landscape around your business. You could be building a new home and you are going to have nothing but bare ground when it is finished. Your current lawn may be nothing but bindi which are like small knife blades in your skin. No matter what the reason you want to make sure the lawn is the right choice for you.
The Area You Live In
There are several things that come into play when choosing a new lawn and one of them is where you live. Not just geographically, although this is important, but other factors as well like how much sun or shade will your lawn get in your location.
Other Factors to Consider
Other things to keep in mind are how much money you have to spend on the lawn and what is the lawn going to be used for. Is it going to be purely decorative? Will it be played on? Driven on? Will there be animals on it? All these things are going to be important when it comes to choosing a lawn. You also need to know the soil type of the area you want to lay turf. If you don’t think about these things your new lawn could be a disaster before you even start.
Sun & Shade
This is one of the major factors you need to consider. You need to know if your lawn is going to be in the sun for most of the day or it is going to get partial shade. Lots of sun means basically any type of grass will grow. But if you live in a typical neighbourhood chances are you are going to get shade on a good portion of your yard for part of the day. Even fences can cast shadows that can kill grass. So you want to make sure you choose a shade-tolerant variety. Sir Walter is an excellent choice for shady lawns.
How Do You Want the Lawn to Look?
You want your lawn to look great and this is important but you also want it to feel good when you walk across it. Do you want your lawn to look very manicured or do you want a lusher look? Again, these are things you need to consider.
What Will Your Lawn Be Used For?
This can be a big factor in the look of a lawn. You might want to garden and plant flowers or you may have a house full of kids who love to play cricket. Do you have a dog? Do you want any easy to care for lawn or are you a dedicated lawn maintenance person? You want a lawn that will handle whatever your situation is going to throw at it and still look good and be healthy.
Do You Live on the Coast?
A lot of Australians live along coastal fringes and this means the lawn is subject to sat spray. There are grasses that tolerate this and some that do not so you need to which ones do well. Sir Walter soft leaf buffalo is an excellent choice if this is where you live.
What Are Your Water Restrictions?
You may live somewhere there are water restrictions hand some lawns can handle drought conditions better than others. Soft leaf buffalos, couches and zoysias all handle water conditions about the same. If you are considering Kikuyu keep in mind it needs more water than the others. Sandy areas drain water faster than some other types of soil so this will affect how much water is accessible to your lawn.
What Will It Cost?
The lawn varieties that grow quickly tend to be the cheapest and kikuyu and couch are two examples of this kind of lawn. But they do not handle things like shade and drought as well as some of the other varieties. Cheaper isn’t always as cheap as it seems either if you factor in things like fertiliser, watering and other things your lawn will need.
Check with the Experts
And finally ask the turf growers in your area. They will know what grasses work well where you live and of there are any problems you need to be concerned with.
To get more advice call our team on (07) 3114 8281. You can also to pop in and order in person at our sales office on 1/243 Bradman Street, Acacia Ridge. The office opens Monday to Friday 7am to 5pm and Saturday 7am to 12pm.
For more great lawn care tips keep an eye on our website and all our social media channels.